Flossy spies snowdrops!

I did. I saw actual snowdrops on my run this afternoon! It filled me with hope and optimism that the seasons are on the change, that in the depths of Winter, on what was what we refer to as a ‘dreich’ afternoon in this part of the world, there is still life and still a lot to be grateful for. Let me explain what ‘dreich’ means. It’s an Ulster-Scots word that describes precisely the sort of day we had here today. It barely gets daylight partly because we have limited daylight at the minute and partly because you would think a giant incontinent elephant had decided to stop directly above us and take in the view. Temperatures were just above freezing and the rain/hail was driving in horizontally! I am so glad I persevered though and completed my 7 miles (well, 7.45 according to Map My Run).

It made me aware of the many other things I have to be grateful. Firstly, my health. I am actually healthy enough to get of my backside and move my limbs in a running sort of motion. This is the furthest I have run since I wasn’t well. My pace wasn’t that bad either. I am aiming for a 5 1/2 hour marathon. Ok, that’s hardly elite standard but it will mean something to me, a lifelong non-runner.

Progress. I am making progress. For someone who was made fun of in school for being so slow in athletics. I really could not give two hoots about how slowly I am currently moving. I am just grateful I am getting a little faster each time I go out and take on the roads! I set myself two goals this week: to run 5 miles by the 20th January and to run at 11minutes per mile also by 20th January. I am feeling quite smug now that I have managed both these goals ahead of my schedule.

The correct clothing to help me in my efforts. When I started I just wore an old baggy t-shirt and baggy jogging bottoms and the trainers I had been wearing for years. This was fine but I soon started to feel frustrated with my jogging bottoms flapping around my ankles and tripping me up. Not a very pleasant sensation when you have just run ankle deep through a huge puddle. The trainers weren’t great. They were too small and I soon ended up with sore shins and knees. A trip to a local running store left me a (ahem) few quid out of pocket but it was worth it to have correctly fitting shoes that gave me the support I actually needed.

My running top this afternoon did a great job of protecting me from the elements to a certain extent. I figure you will get wet through running one way or the other be it sweat, tears, blood or pouring rain! The hood and beanie hat (with ear in built earphones) kept me reasonably snug and entertained! The hero of the hour can be found at this link. I’m not affiliated but I do like this store!

Other things to be grateful for: a glass of chocolate milk on completing my run. I’ve read somewhere that this is perhaps the best recovery drink for running. I’m no expert but I’m not going to challenge this one! Let’s just say it went down very well!

Getting completely freezing cold then jumping into a piping hot bubble bath and watching Sherlock Holmes on the BBC iPlayer… Hello Mr Cumberbatch… Say no more!

In other news I found this great link to a local half marathon in March. I’m thinking of doing it and using it as part of my marathon training. Would it be too much or should I just go for it? I think the hills will kill me but do me good at the same time… The half marathon happens on 22nd March and the biggie is on 5th May.

P.s. Why can’t I embed YouTube videos on my blog?

Flossy wishes you all a healthy and happy new year.


I found this picture on Facebook and I am not sure about the legalities of posting it but it got me to thinking about all the New Year’s Resolutions I have been making and my friends have also been making. I think it all basically boils down to this: loving yourself a little more. I’m not talking about being selfish or becoming narcissistic. After all, Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount to ‘Love your neighbour the way you love yourself.’

So how do we love ourselves? If we are going to be of any use to the people around us that we are too scared to say no to or don’t want to let down, I guess we need to make sure that we are fighting fit ourselves. I learnt this the hard way before Christmas. I sing in various choirs and get great joy out of it. Coming up to Christmas I became overwhelmed by all the things I had said yes to. Ultimately I had to cancel most of the arrangements I had agreed to, ironically letting people down and becoming completely unproductive! Had I firstly planned ahead, I would have seen I had far too much on, but secondly, I should have picked one or two arrangements, committed to them and done a good job of these two commitments.

How else can we love ourselves? I have a hard time beating up on myself. It affects everything from self-confidence, to friendships, to self image to silly things like talking myself out of hills on runs. As I remarked to a friend who was engaged in a similar activity and train of thought, if you heard another person being as verbally abusive to another person you wouldn’t stand for it, so why do we do it for ourselves? There is time and space for self reflection when we want to ‘better ourselves’ but self reflection also involves being able to acknowledge when you have actually done something well or you have achieved something new. And I am definitely not saying we have to become obnoxiously and aggressively bragging about ourselves. Some of the most competent and confident people I know are also some of the most humble people I am fortunate to know.

On reflection, then, of of my priorities this year is to be better at organising my time. To this end I have bought a diary. An amazing little invention that doesn’t even require wi-fi. It fits in my handbag, requires nothing more than a ball point pen or HB pencil to operate. It doesn’t lose important information because of updates or when the battery dies. It also looks quite pretty and it cost me £1 from B&M bargains! Result! I’ve already pencilled in my running schedule. This is the year I have to pull 26.2 miles out of the hat…

I am going to try to change my thought patterns. It’s easy to be negative. You couldn’t do that! What would anyone see in you? What do you think you are playing at trying to…(run a marathon, find love, mixing with that crowd of people etc)? You still look like TRIPE in that dress! If I wouldn’t find it acceptable to say to another person, I won’t say it to myself. In turn, I will try to be more patient and forgiving of other people’s perceived faults or quirks! We don’t know what battles our friends, colleagues, acquaintances etc are fighting. And another thing, when we criticise either ourselves or each other, in affect we are criticising their maker and I think He probably had a plan in mind when he created that person.

Hebrew 12:11
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling 2014!
(Hope that wasn’t too preachy!)